1 / 18
Ivan, Aixeen, Roberto, Silvia and Alessandro waiting for the cableway
1 / 18
Roberto, Alessandro, Ivan, Aixeen and Carlo on the cableway
2 / 18
Arrival at Testa Grigia
3 / 18
The LNF group
4 / 18
Roberto Bedogni installing the spheres
5 / 18
The Bonner sphere system
6 / 18
Bonner sphere
7 / 18
Spheres and electronics
8 / 4
Roberto and the spheres
9 / 18
Recording the neutron pulse spectra
10 / 18
The neutron pulse spectra of the eight spheres
11 / 18
Aixeen Manuel Fontanilla
12 / 18
Ivan Castro Campoy
13 / 18
Alessandro Calamida
14 / 18
The LNF group
15 / 18
16/ 18
High altitude effects
17 / 18
On the terrace
18/ 18
On the glacier
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On the glacier