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Testa Grigia - CNR Research Station Plateau Rosa, 3480 m a.s.l. 45° 56' 03'' N - 7° 42' 28'' E The Research Station, built in 1947, has a long history of scientific activities and is one of the highest sites of research in Europe. It is located in the Valle d'Aosta region, in the North of Italy, on a rocky ridge across the Italy-Swiss border, named Testa Grigia, close to the famous Matterhorn. It is surrounded by the Plateau Rosa and Ventina glaciers, where skiing is enjoyed throughout the year. The laboratory can be reached by cableway (see one minute video) from Breuil-Cervinia (2050 m) to Plateau Rosa, changing cable car at Plan Maison (2561 m) and Cime Bianche (2810 m). |
Testa Grigia mountain and Ventina glacier |
The cableway at Cervinia with the Matterhorn in the background |